Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs)
A linear feedback shift register is a combination of series of flip flop and XOR or XNOR logic gates. It is an important component in communication system where, it paly important role in various application such as cryptography application, CRC generator and checker circuit, gold code generator, for generation of pseudorandom sequence, for designing encoder and decoder in different communication channels to ensure network security. [1]
Thermal Noise of Switch Capacitor Circuits Thermal Noise of Switch Capacitor Circuits
One of the main limitations of the performance of switched-capacitor (SC) circuits is noise. The sources of noise includ
Thermal Noise Estimation of Switch Capacitor Circuits Thermal Noise Estimation of Switch Capacitor Circuits
Switch-capacitor circuits take advantage of the fact that the circuit characteristic only depends on capacitance ratios which turn out to be very accurate tanks to the excellent matching of capacitors. They are increasingly used in many more applications like radio frequency (RF) circuits or sensor front-end circuits to perform various analog signal processing operations such as sampling, amplification or filtering.